Second Quarter of the Delivery Forum

State House, Banjul, 24th July 2024: President Adama Barrow received the Honourable Minister for Petroleum and Energy, Mr. Nani Juwara, and the Managing Director of NAWEC, Mr. Gallo Saidy together with their teams as a follow up of the Presidential delivery forum that was held in March.

The Second quarter of the delivery forum is to follow up on projects’  implementation, challenges and how the Office of the President could advise on the way forward.

Honourable Juwara assured President Barrow that most of the projects are progressing. However, he highlighted some challenges and emphasised that they are working with all their consultants and contractors to meet the deadline of the Universal Access to Electricity by end 2025.

While understanding the challenges they faced, President Barrow encouraged them to strive to meet the promise made to Gambians in attaining electricity nationwide by end 2025. The project is geared towards improving the lives and livelihoods of Gambians.

Speaking to the Media, the Managing Director of NAWEC Mr. Saidy said some of the challenges are as a result of external issues in terms of getting materials abroad. In addition, he acknowledged the water and power outages in the Greater Banjul Area and pleaded Gambians to continue being patient as the ongoing projects would immensely help in solving the issue.

The Minister for Petroleum and Energy, Nani Juwara said his Ministry and NAWEC are working on access projects to expand electricity supply to 800 communities that are yet to be served electricity. He further said most of the projects are on cause and are in the implementation process.

Honourable Juwara further revealed that similar intervention are ongoing to improve water supply within Greater Banjul Area.

He thanked the Gambian leader for the opportunity and re-assured him of working closely with other sectors to ensure projects are delivered on time.