Ministry of Fisheries Presents at The Presidential Delivery Forum

State House, Banjul, 13th, August 2024: At the Presidential Delivery Forum, the Minister of Fisheries, Water Resources, and National Assembly Matters, Honourable Musa Drammeh, led his technical team to brief President Adama Barrow and other executives about the ministry's activities and action plan.

The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Fisheries, Mr. Buba Sanyang, announced that the Fisheries Ministry has constructed 20 artisanal fishing boats. The aim is to support youth and women in the fishing sector and address the issue of illegal migration. The project targets coastal fishing communities, migrant returnees, Gambian fishermen associations, and youth groups. “The boats are ready and waiting to be tested before handing them over,” said PS Sanyang.

Mr. Sanyang added that Fish 4 ACP is another project of the Ministry and donor partners, to encourage sustainable and aquaculture development. The project aims to unlock the potential of oysters in The Gambia, improve processing and handling, and thereby contribute to food security, economic prosperity, and employment opportunities.

During the meeting, the Ministry reported that it embarked on a project dubbed the EU-Gambia Sustainable Fishing Partnership Agreement. The project seeks to support the management measures for fisheries and development of scientific and research capacities, and the conservation of fragile ecosystems.

Additionally, the Ministry stated it has registered and marked artisanal fishing vessels to fight against illegal fishing while ensuring the traceability of fishery products. It aims to promote the expansion of sustainable aquaculture development in the country and reduce pressure on capture fisheries.

To ensure that people have access to clean, safe and hygienic facilities, the Ministry reported having identified public places like schools, markets, and health centres for the construction of public latrines.

On the side of water resources, the Ministry revealed it is in the process of installing 55 solar-powered water supply systems across the four provincial and West Coast regions. Once completed by the end of 2024, the second phase of the project is expected to begin early next year to increase water accessibility in the communities.

At the end of the session, President Barrow expressed satisfaction with the Ministry’s activities. However, he expressed discontent with the delay of projects in some communities and advised the Ministry to put more effort into social projects.

He urged the Ministry to fast-track the testing to create considerable employment for women and youth to generate income growth.

In attendance were the Ministers for Finance and Economic Affairs, Public Service, the Chief of Staff Office of the President, and other senior government officials.