Honourable Cabinet Ministers, Honourable National Assembly Members, Your Excellency, the European Union Ambassador, The Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC), Distinguished Representatives of the United Nations, Governors and other Local Government Authorities, Service Chiefs and Senior Government Officials, Esteemed Tourism and Creative Industries, Stakeholders, Business Leaders, and Entrepreneurs, Members of the Media, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

All those familiar with the economic situation of The Gambia know that Tourism is at the heart of our economy. Here, Tourism is much more than an industry; it is a lifeline for thousands of Gambians, contributing about twenty percent (20%) of the GDP. Overall, the tourism sector caters for seventeen-point-three percent (17.3%) of employment, ranging from entrepreneurs and artists to tour operators, hospitality workers, communities upcountry, and local businesses in food processing, horticulture, ICT, and transport. This is enhanced by the vibrancy of the Gambian culture, which translates into the appealing harmony and warmth of the people.

Against this backdrop, it is with utmost joy and a deep sense of pride that I am here today to officially launch the European Union-Youth Empowerment Project (EU-YEP) Tourism and Creative Industries Project.

This is a landmark initiative that builds on the gains and insights derived from the YEP, and it represents a new era for our tourism and creative sectors.

It is also a momentous occasion that underscores my government’s commitment to fostering economic growth, empowerment of the youth and women, and sustainable development through the enhancement of the vital and vibrant industries of tourism and the creative economy.

There is no doubt that when complemented by our natural landscape, The Gambia would truly be a unique destination, capable of offering authentic experiences, peace, and hospitality.

For the country to remain competitive on the global stage, however, we must continually innovate, invest, and integrate sustainable practices into our tourism and creative industries.

This is why my government has prioritised the development of tourism and creative industries as a key driver of economic diversification and job creation. Our solid commitment to this sector has led to strategic partnerships with key development actors. Today, we are celebrating the fruits of that commitment.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

This project complements our vision to improve the business environment, attract investments, and support Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises to become globally competitive.

Through the project’s targeted interventions, we expect impactful contributions towards the creation of an enabling ecosystem that enhances economic opportunities for Gambians.

As part of our broader development agenda, my government stands firm in its commitment to job creation, economic growth, and human capital development.

We have set an ambitious goal of creating one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) new jobs by 2028 and ensuring that our economic policies contribute more significantly to economic growth.

Tourism and creative industries play a pivotal role in achieving such targets and initiatives. Together with other openings, the EU-YEP Tourism and Creative Industries Project is expected to further accelerate our progress.

I strongly challenge the ITC project team, stakeholders, and all partners to make sure that this project delivers tangible impact nationwide. It must go beyond just activities and interventions. Let it transform lives, empower businesses, and strengthen our national economy.

My government’s transformative agenda demands results. Under these circumstances, I trust that the relevant stakeholders will work relentlessly to ensure that there is accountability and inclusivity in whatever they do and that this initiative matures to full potential.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are launching this project with renewed hope, commitment, and ambition. This initiative, along with many other ongoing and upcoming efforts, is a promise to the Gambian people. It is a promise of progress, opportunity, and a brighter future for all.

The European Union and the International Trade Centre have proven to be invaluable partners in our journey towards economic transformation. The investment in the EU-YEP Tourism and Creative Industries Project is a clear demonstration of the trust in the people’s potential to position The Gambia on the global stage. This is made possible by the enabling environment that remains a priority for continuous improvement.

I congratulate the ITC, the European Union, and the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, as well as the Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment and all the stakeholders on this historic achievement. We appreciate your hard work.

To all our esteemed partners, particularly the European Union, we renew our deepest gratitude. Your commitment to The Gambia’s development is genuine, steadfast, and appreciated.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, my government has made a promise to the people. In renewing this promise, as we celebrate our Diamond Jubilee, we pray that God keeps every one of us ever true to the homeland.

With this commitment, hope, and jubilee excitement, I declare the EU-YEP Tourism and Creative Industries Project officially launched.

May God bless our noble endeavours wherever we may be.